
An abstract from the above document by Mahesh Karadia……………………

Within a few weeks a database of more than sixty people was created consisting of those working in education and the community. Usha Academy in Navsari was selected as the venue to host our first seminar. Many prominent local people from our community, some school heads and a few NRI’s attended the seminar. My team of youngsters spoke well about the need of education in English. Almost all the schools in our region were Gujarati medium schools. That meant all the subjects were taught in Gujarati and English was a subject on its own. What we were trying to get to the people was the need of an English medium school where all the subjects would be taught in English except Gujarati, Hindi and Sanskrit which would be subjects on their own. These schools were Government run and financed.

We failed in our attempt to convince the people at the seminar. The conclusion being that the Gujarati medium schools taught enough English for the kids to get by and there was no need for English medium schools. We were testing the waters and now knew that establishing an English medium school would not be that easy.

                                                                    Original school building of Rashtriya Shala Bharat Vidyalaya Karadi which was replaced in 2006.

The foundation ceremony of the new school buildings was performed by Late Shri Ramjibhai Fakirbhai Patel of Patel Falia Karadi with Maheshbhai Karadia Jan 2006.

The opening ceremony of the school was performed by Shri Narendrabhai Modi in Dec 2006 in the presence of almost ten thousand people.